School Day Hours

  • 8:00- Students may enter building

    8:15- buses unload

    8:30- Instruction begins 

    Tardy bell- 8:30 AM

    Dismissal- 3:30 PM


    Office Hours: 8:00 AM- 4:00 PM


    Arrival to School

    Students who arrive by car enter the building through the back doors by the cafeteria between 8:00 and 8:30. Students who arrive by bus will enter the building through the front doors.

    We recognize that it is necessary for some parents to drop their child off at school before 8:00. As a service to parents, E. B. Aycock Middle School established the Early Bird Program so students can be safely indoors until school open. The cost for Early Bird is $1 per day due each day the child attends. Students attending Early Bird should enter the school through the back doors and report to the cafeteria. 

    Students eating breakfast at school are to go directly to the cafeteria upon their arrival to school. 

    Students not having breakfast at school should go directly to their home room. 


    Late Arrival

    Students who arrive after 8:30 must report to the office to sign in. Parents/legal guardians are asked to accompany their child to the office or provide their child with a note or doctor's excuse.



    The school day ends at 3:30. Students are dismissed on a staggered bell schedule by grade. 7th grade at 3:24, 6th grade at 3:27, and 8th grade at 3:30. Students who ride a bus should exit the building through a front door and board their assigned bus. Students who are walking home are to use the side doors facing Red Banks Road to access the cross walk. Car riders should exit the building through the back doors to be picked up.

    All students not staying for after-school activities should be off campus by 3:45.