- Falkland Elementary School
- School Dress Code
Student Dress Code and Appearance (Policy 4316)
The Pitt County Board of Education requests that parents outfit their children in clothing that is conducive to learning. The board prohibits any appearance or clothing that does the following: (1) violates the guidelines in this policy; (2) is substantially disruptive; (3) is provocative or obscene; or (4) endangers the health or safety of the student or others. Student appearance should reflect practices of good hygiene and cleanliness.
Student Dress Code
Students are expected to be dressed in accordance with this policy at all times school is in session. The principal or designee shall implement this policy in a manner that is age and developmentally appropriate.
Good judgment in considering issues such as age, developmental stages, and body type are expected of all students and parents in the selection of school attire and appearance. Each student’s school attire must be neat, clean, properly fitted, age-appropriate, and suitable for the learning environment. Schools may not charge students for wearing clothing approved below.
Shirts and Tops
- Shirts and tops must have a collar and be a solid color.
- With the exception of small manufacturer’s logos or school-approved logos, shirts and tops may not display any insignias, logos, labels, graphics, embroidery, monograms, words, or pictures.
- Shirts and tops must be appropriately sized and long enough to cover the midriff when sitting or standing and must also cover the chest and back so the chest and the back of the body are not exposed.
Bottoms, Jumpers, Dresses, Pants, Capris, Shorts, Skorts, and Skirts
- Bottoms must be solid khaki, black, or navy.
- Dresses may be any solid color and must have a collar and sleeves.
- Denim bottoms must be black, blue/navy, or khaki with no holes or cuts.
- With the exception of small manufacturer’s logos or school-approved logos, bottoms and dresses must be free of graphics and embroidery and may not display any insignias, logos, labels, words, or pictures.
- Dresses, shorts, skorts, skirts, and jumpers must be modest and of sufficient length. The length of these articles of clothing may not be above the student’s fingertips when the student’s arms are relaxed at his or her sides.
- Bottoms must be appropriately sized. No baggy or sagging pants or shorts are allowed. No “low rise” clothing is allowed. Pants and shorts must be worn with the waistband at or above the hipbone.
- Footed tights may be worn under pants, capris, shorts, skorts, skirts, dresses, or jumpers. No fishnet stockings are allowed.
- If belts are worn, they must not be oversized and must be buckled
- Shoes must be worn at all times and must conform to requirements for specific classes or activities as necessary, such as P.E. classes, ROTC, science labs, etc.
- If the shoes have laces, the shoes must be laced and tied.
- No bedroom slippers are allowed.
- Students may wear solid colored sweatshirts, sweaters, jackets, coats, hoodies, and vests, including lightweight fleece jackets, over school attire but with the exception of manufacturer’s logos or school-approved logos, may not display any insignias, logos, labels, words, graphics, embroidery, or pictures.
- Hoodies and hooded jackets may not have the hood covering the head while in a school building. Violation of this requirement may result in not being allowed to wear a hoodie at school.
Spirit Wear and School Club Wear
In order to promote school and community spirit, principals at their discretion will have the authority to approve school spirit wear and school club wear worn on any school day. This includes t-shirts, sweatshirts, fleece jackets, and hoodies.
Other Clothing Items or Accessories
- Clothing must be worn as intended.
- Undergarments may not be visible at any time. Underneath the collared shirts, students may wear t-shirts or camisoles which are solid in color. No see-through or mesh clothing that will reveal the body or will reveal undergarments are allowed. Students may not wear large pendants or medallions. No adornment is allowed that reasonably could be perceived or used as a weapon (such as chains, spikes, etc.).
- No gang-related clothing, accessories, symbols, or intimidating manner of dress are allowed (see policy 4328, Gang-Related Activity).
- No headwear and no sunglasses may be worn inside school buildings.
- No bandanas are allowed.
- Solid color, patterned, or striped ties may be worn. They may not have any insignias, logos, labels, words, or pictures.
- Only school activity buttons, approved by the principal, are permitted to be worn on a student’s school clothing.
Exceptions to Dress and Appearance Requirements
Religious or Medical Waivers
Reasonable consideration will be made for those students who, because of sincerely held religious beliefs or medical reasons, request a waiver of a particular requirement for dress or appearance. Written waiver requests must be submitted on an annual basis. In considering a waiver request, the principal or designee has the right to request additional documentation from medical officials and/or religious leaders.
Special Activity Accommodations
The principal shall make reasonable accommodations for students involved in special duties, activities, or projects approved by the school. Such special duties, activities, and projects include, but are not be limited to, athletics, P.E. classes, and other activities that require non-conforming dress on a school campus during the school day. Students who are taking classes that require a special dress code (such as JROTC or career and technical education internships) may wear that clothing to other classes.
Principal Exceptions
Any exception from these requirements that a Principal wants to implement during any school year must be presented to and approved by the Board of Education before the start of any school year.
Each principal shall ensure that this policy is enforced in a manner that is consistent with other Pitt County schools and consistently applied within their school. Before having a disciplinary consequence, a student who is not in compliance with this policy will be given the opportunity within a reasonable period of time to change into acceptable clothing by using available clothes at school or by calling a parent to bring acceptable clothes. Disciplinary consequences for a student who fails to comply after being offered this opportunity will be consistent with Section D of policy 4300, Student Behavior Policies. The superintendent or designee shall list in the Code of Student Conduct the specific range of consequences that may be imposed on a student for violation of the dress code.
Students new to the school system will be given up to one week grace period from enrollment to obtain and wear the proper school attire.