• DH Conley administration follows the Pitt County School Board Policy in regards to student parking on campus. Please see read and review the Board Policy in its entirety. If you have any questions, you may contact the school administration. 
    Principals may assign individual student parking spaces or designate parking areas for students. Whenever individual spaces are designated or assigned, first priority will be given to individuals with physical disabilities. Students who need transportation in order to participate in school related internships or off-site learning opportunities will have priority for parking spaces over other students. Pursuant to G.S. 115C-46, principals may provide for the registration of vehicles and remove vehicles parked in violation of school rules. Parking on school grounds is a privilege, not a right. Parking privileges may be revoked as a consequence for violating parking rules or for violating student behavior policies, school standards, or school rules as provided in policy 4302, School Plan for Management of Student Behavior. School officials retain authority to conduct routine patrols of student parking lots and inspections of the exteriors of student motor vehicles on school property for any reason without notice or consent. Student vehicles parked on school property may be searched in accordance with policy 4342, Student Searches