•  Students interested in trying out for a spring sport must meet all eligibility requirements, including having the Pitt County Schools physical paperwork on file with the Athletic Director before they can participate in any athletic activities.


    If you have a question about when your physical expires (or about any other eligibility requirements), please email Mr. Signorelli at signorj@pitt.k12.nc.us .



    2024 TRYOUT DATES:

    Baseball: Winter Workout dates will be sent home with kids wanting to come after the interest meeting. Tryouts on February 5th and 6th from 3-5 PM.


    Softball: Please sign up on the interest sheets in the gym.


    Soccer: Tryouts are February 14th and 15th from 3-4 PM. Interested students should attend both days and meet in the gym after school. Make sure to have a current physical on file prior to tryouts and have a ride to pick you up at 4:05 PM each day at the gym (not the soccer field). 


    Click On Your Sport For More Info



