- G.R. Whitfield School
- Athletics
GRW Athletics
Per PCMSAC guidelines: Gate admission is $6 for Adults/High School Students and $4 for K-8 Students. School staff working in Pitt, Beaufort, and Green County School Systems are admitted free with staff ID.
Tickets can be purchased through Go Fan.
* Please CLICK HERE to access our student-athlete expectations sheet. *
2024-2025 Eligibility Requirements:
Academics: Students must pass at least 5 of 6 classes (core and encore) in the most recent semester.
Physicals: Students must receive a medical examination (Physical) once every 395 days by a duly licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant. The physical must be on the N.C.H.S.A.A. form. This must be turned into the Athletic Director in order for a student to attend any workouts, open gyms or tryouts.
Age: A student shall not participate on a sixth, seventh or eighth grade team if he/she becomes 15 years of age on or before August 31st of said school year. Additionally, no student may be eligible to participate at the middle school level for a period lasting longer than six (6) consecutive semesters, beginning with the student’s entry into sixth grade.
Attendance: A student must attend school and cannot be absent more than 13 days of the previous semester at an approved school. (Your child cannot miss more than 13 days and it includes excused doctor appointments, suspensions, etc).
- Residence: A student must be a resident of the school administrative unit in which they are assigned or have written permission from Pitt County schools to attend the school.
Please direct any questions about the PCMSAC's policies or eligibility to our Athletic Director, Coach Signorelli ([email protected]).
Please direct any sport-specific questions to your sport's coach.

Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |

- Chassidy Averette

- Gary Howard

- Adam Philipps

- Johnny Signorelli

- Erin Tseng

- Doug Warren