- Wellcome Middle School
- Eligibility
Middle/Junior High School Athletic Eligibility
Only students in grades six through eight may participate in middle school (6th , 7th and 8th graders) interscholastic athletic competition. Only students in grades seven through nine may participate in junior high school (7th ,8 th and 9th graders) interscholastic athletic competition, provided ninth grade is housed in the same building with seventh and eighth grades.Note: Sixth grade students are ineligible to participate in football.Eligibility begins for all students with initial entry into the sixth grade regardless of: - the school organization pattern - the decision of the LEA/Charter to allow 6th grade participation.Rising 6th graders will not receive a free semester for participation in athletics. Their grades and attendance will be checked for participation.In order to qualify for public school participation, a student must meet the following requirements:A. All member schools are to abide by the athletic rules and regulation adopted by the State Board of Education.
B. Requirements for Athletic Participation include the following:
- A student must be a resident of the school administrative unit in which you are assigned or written permission from Pitt County schools to attend the school your child is assigned.
- A student must have been in attendance for at least 85% of the previous semester at an approved school. (Your child cannot miss more than 14 days of a 92 day semester)
- A student must pass 5 out of 6 classes with a 60 or better from the previous semester to participate in the current semester.
- A student shall not participate on a ninth grade junior high school team if he/she becomes 16 years of age on or before August 31st of said school year.
- A student shall not participate on a sixth, seventh or eighth grade team if he/she becomes 15 years of age on or before August 31st of said school year.
- A middle /junior high school student is over age for middle/junior high school play shall be eligible for senior high school participation.
- The student must receive a medical examination once every (395 days) by a duly licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant. This must be turned in to the Athletic Director for your child to attend any work-outs, open gym or the 1st day of try-outs.
- No student may be eligible to participate at the middle school level for a period lasting longer than six (6) consecutive semesters, beginning with the student’s entry into sixth grade. The principal shall have evidence of the date of each player’s entry into the sixth grade and monitor the six (6) consecutive semesters.
- A student must be an amateur in order to be eligible to participate.
- Special Needs Eligibility: A special needs student must meet all of the preceding requirements to be eligible to try-out for athletics.
Sports Pre-participation and Medical Examination Form
In order to be eligible for practice or participation in interscholastic athletic contests, the student must receive a medical examination once every 365 days by a duly licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant, subject to the provisions of G.S.90-9, 90-18.1, and 90-18.2. The recommended Sports Pre-participation and Medical Examination Form can be found HERE. Students absent from athletic practice for five or more consecutive days due to illness or injury must receive a medical release from a physician licensed to practice medicine before readmittance to practice or contests. Students with potential head injuries must receive a medical release by a physician licensed to practice medicine before readmittance to practices or contests.It is recommended that players be covered by adequate medical and accident insurance and that medical aid be immediately available at all times. Schools should have medical release forms on site at athletic events in case medical treatment is required.