- North Pitt High School
- Philosophy
Our Mission Statement
NORTH PITT HIGH SCHOOL is committed to developing a culture of learners that are prepared to actively and effectively connect, communicate, and collaborate with others while meeting the demands of the 21st century.
Our Philosophy
The administration, faculty, and staff of North Pitt High School believe that the purpose of our school is to provide each of our students, from whatever background or economic status they come, with learning experiences commensurate with their individual needs, interests, and abilities in order that they be prepared academically, physically, socially, and emotionally to lead informed and productive lives. We also believe that education is an ongoing process and that the experiences our students receive outside their classrooms play a vital part in the total development of each student.
Therefore, not only do we believe in involving the personnel of the school, but also we believe in involving our parents, as well as all other members and agencies of our community, in providing sound educational programs for our students.
We believe that the school’s program revolves around the needs of students. Therefore, it becomes our goal to challenge and to nurture our students’ proficiency and to assist them to overcome their areas of challenge. Our primary concern is to develop each student to his or her maximum capacity.
Further, we believe that it is our responsibility to continue the annual assessment and updating of our curriculum so that our offerings are consistent with the changing needs of our students. It is our intent to offer an educational program that is beneficial to our students now and in the future.
To achieve the aims of our philosophy, we believe that we should constantly strive to offer a balanced school program based on the following objectives:
Þ To enable our students, through practice and application, to achieve competency in computational and language arts skills;Þ To provide a program which will encourage a greater understanding of appreciation for the arts and build basis for wise use of leisure time;
Þ To aid our students in the development and maintenance of good mental health and physical fitness;
Þ To foster our students’ awareness of their ecological surrounding so that they might learn to live and work in harmony with their environment;
Þ To provide a comprehensive student activities program;
Þ To guide our students in the development of ethical and moral values, to foster the students’ understanding of their duties as good citizens, and to encourage them to accept and to participate in these duties;
Þ To develop an appreciation of and respect for the dignity and worth of all people;
Þ To offer an instructional program that will enable our students to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes for performing well on required testing programs, for continuing their formal education, for entering vocational, professional, and military careers;
Þ To provide proper counseling and professional help for our students in order to assist them in self-understanding and self-discipline and in goal orientation;
Þ To foster in our students feelings of positive self-worth, security, and self-assurance;
Þ To develop an appreciation for our country and its history and to foster in our students feelings of patriotism and pride in our nation;
Þ To instill in our students a lifelong quest for the kinds of learning experiences and intellectual growth patterns that will assist them in making sound judgments;
Þ To help our students discover the rewards that come from independent study and research;
Þ To be involved, as our students’ mentors, in continuous cooperative evaluation and to be prepared to meet and to accept the challenge of new ideas, situations and problems.