EOG Resources, Student Resources, and Educational Resources (select image below)
Family Newsletters September 2023 ENGLISH SPANISH
Safe Schools Healthy Kids NC is dedicated to making information available to Schools, Students, and Parents through a variety of means. This website is an Information & Resource Clearinghouse—a one-stop-shop—for health and safety issues that affect the school environment where kids spend most of their days throughout their formative years.
Safe Schools Healthy Kids NC focuses on:
- Awareness and Recognition
- Prevention
- Intervening Early
- Evidence-Based Practices
- Access to Mental Health Services
Explore the site, download materials, engage in the training, and share the information here. Materials and training will continue to be added on an ongoing basis. Please come back as often as you like or need to. You’ll find current, evidence-based resources, up-to-date items to download, and links to helpful training modules. Hover and click on the images or links to quickly find the material you seek on topics important for keeping our kids safe and healthy throughout their student lives.