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Greetings Cardinal Families,
I hope everyone had a great weekend. This Is Y. Williams with the updates for the week of May 8th. Thank you for supporting our Boosterthon. The students have been learning about gratitude and stewardship and will learn about perseverance, bravery and wonder. It is not too late to get registered.
Here are the upcoming events:
This week is National Teacher Appreciation Week. We will be honoring our Teachers and Instructional Assistants for all of their hard work, dedication and commitment to education and excellence. We appreciate all that do to support students and families. Feel free to bless them and shower them with love.
K3 Students will be taking their mClass assessments for reading and all of the K-5 students will be finishing up their iReady assessments. The growth looks tremendous so far. We are very proud of our student growth.
We will have our Fun Run on Friday, April 12th. Mrs. Britt's class and the PreK classes will run at 830, K-1 will run from 9-10, 2nd and 3rd graders will run from 10-11, 4th and 5th graders from 11-12. Parents are welcomed to come out, cheer and participate during the Fun Run. We are expecting to have lots of fun. Please park in the overflow parking area.
Safety is our utmost concern. Please continue to encourage your child to say something if they see something or hear something.
Parents should drop off students in the back after the buses in the morning. Parents should not exit their vehicles in the back. If there is a concern, please park in the front parking lot and enter through the front office for assistance.
Thank you for checking bags to ensure that inappropriate items are not brought to school.
Students must bring a note for excused absences.
The tardy bell rings at 755 each day.
Thank you for your continued support of Creekside. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Greetings Cardinal Families,
I hope everyone had a great weekend. This is Y. Williams with the announcements for the week of May 1st. On May 2nd, the last progress report of the year will be sent home. Students will be taking their end of the year iReady diagnostic beginning this week. K3 students will take the iReady math and 4-5 students will take iReady math and reading. We look forward to seeing the tremendous growth. On May 3rd, we will have an early release day and we will be kicking off our Boosterthon. On May 4th and 5th, we will be hosting the Paper Pie $5 Book Fair. Every book will be $5! Students who bring in money on Thursday or Friday will be able to shop. There will be no taxes, so $5 will purchase one book and $10 two books. Get some new books for the summer. There will be great titles - both fiction and non- fiction. Flyers with envelopes will go home in the Tuesday folders.
Here are some reminders:
The tardy bell rings at 7:55. Parents should walk tardy students into the building. Students are required to submit a note for excused absences. Thank you for ensuring that students attend school on time each day.
Thank you parents for checking your child's belongings each day to ensure that they do not bring any inappropriate item to school.
Please do not send food delivery services to school to drop off lunch, it will not be accepted.
If you see something or hear something, please say something.
Thank you for all that you do to partner with us for student success. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns. Have a great evening.
Greetings Cardinal Families,
I hope everyone had a great weekend. Thank you to all of families that attended our 3-5 Awards Day Assembly. It was a huge success. Students are encouraged to end the year strong. This week we will be having our NC Check-ins makeups for students that were absent last week and missed their assessments. 5th grade students will be touring AG Cox on Wednesday, April 26th. The Math Masters Team will be competing at ECU on Thursday, April 27th. 3-5 Students will receive the PBIS cart this Friday.
Please be reminded that the tardy bell rings at 7:55 each day. Parents must park and sign tardy students in. Absent students should bring a note in order for absences to be excused.
Please mark your calendar for some upcoming events:
We will have our Boosterthon event and field day on May 12th
EOGS will occur on May 26th, May 31st and June 1st
The 5th grade promotion ceremony will occur on June 8th
Thank you for your continual support of Creekside. We appreciate your partnership for success. Have a great evening.
Greetings Cardinal Families,
I hope everyone enjoyed this beautiful weekend. Thank you to all of the families and students that supported our Pizza Bingo night sponsored by the PTA. It was very successful and everyone had a great time of fellowship, fun and food. Thank you for supporting the 4th and 5th grade dance, the students had a blast. It’s not too late to join the PTA.
We have another busy week this week. Report cards will be distributed on Tuesday. 3-5 students will be taking their NC Check-ins assessments this Wednesday and Thursday. These assessments allow us to gain valuable information about content areas that need to be strengthened, as we continue to prepare our students for the upcoming EOGs.
On Friday, Aug 21st we will have our 3-5 Awards Assemblies. Third grade will begin at 8:30, fourth grade at 9:30 and fifth grade at 10:30. Please enter through the front of the building and sign in.
Thank you for supporting Creekside. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Greetings Cardinal Families,
This is Y. Williams with this week's updates and announcements. There is no school tomorrow, April 10th due to our Teacher Workday. Students will be dismissed at 11:37 on Thursday, April 13th on the Early Release Day. Thank you for picking students up on time.
On April 14th, we will be having our 4th and 5th grade dance from 6-8 pm. The students are super excited and have been learning various line dances during PE. We will also be having our Pizza Bingo Night from 6-8 on Friday, April 14th in the cafeteria. Come out for some family fun. The first bingo card will be free and each additional one will cost $1. Pizza slices and drinks will be sold for $1 each. Cash accepted only.
The tardy bell rings at 7:55. Thank you for bringing students to school on time each day, so that instructional time is not lost. Absent students should return to school with note for excused absences. Please park on the grass and walk up when dropping off or picking up students. We want to ensure that everyone is safe.
Greetings Cardinal Families,
I hope everyone had a great weekend. This is Y. Williams with the updates and announcements for the week of April 3rd.
Thank you to all who supported the Running Club at their last 5k of this school year. I am so proud of their accomplishments. Students finished their race and beat their personal records. They worked hard all year and completed four 5K races. Thank you again Mr. Bowen for your unwavering commitment to the Running Club for the past 10 years and for always promoting health and wellness.
Congratulations to the Battle of the Books Team. They placed 4th in morning rounds, demonstrated good sportsmanship and gave their best effort. We are very proud of them.
On Tuesday, April 4th, we will have our EOG parent meeting at 5pm in the Media Center. This is a great opportunity to gain information about how to help your child be successful on the EOG.
Congratulations to all of the students that received the character trait award for the month of March for exemplifying politeness. We will focus on the character trait, fairness for the month of April.
On Thursday April 6th, we will have our Quarterly PBIS celebration.
There is no school on Friday, April 7th and Monday, April 10th.
Thank you again for partnering with us for student success. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Greetings Cardinal Families,
This is Y. Williams from Creekside. I hope everyone had a great weekend enjoying this beautiful weather. Here are the updates and announcements for the week of March 27th.
Thank you to all of the families that supported the PTA fundraiser today by dining at Texas Roadhouse. We appreciate your continual support. Feel free to join the PTA. It is not too late and we need your help with some upcoming events.
On tomorrow, we will be having our spring pictures. Students will be taking individual and class pictures. Class picture envelopes were sent home in the communication folder. Classroom group photos are $10 and can be ordered online or paid with cash or check. Checks should be made out to Strawbridge.
On Tuesday, March 28th, the fourth grade class and 5th grade Orchestra students will be going to ECU to see the NC Symphony.
On Wednesday, March 29th, we will be having our EOG Informational Parent session beginning at 8:15 am in the Media Center. We will offer an additional session on April 4th in the evening. This is an opportunity to learn about the expectations of the EOG and how you can support your children at home.
On Friday, March 31st, we will be having our Favorite Character Spirit Day. Students may dress as their favorite book character.
Mark your calendar for some future events as April is a busy month:
The marking period ends on April 4th.
We will have our quarterly PBIS Celebration on April 6th.
There will be no school on April 7th and April 10th.
The second graders will be going on their field trip on April 12th.
We will have an Early Release day on April 13th.
We will be having our Pizza Bingo and 4th/5th grade dance on April 14th beginning at 6pm. Be on the lookout for more information.
We will have our 3-5 Awards Assembly on April 21st.
Other reminders include:
Please ensure that the persons you have authorized to pick up your student come with their picture ID to verify identity. As a parent, you may be asked for your ID, if your picture is not already on file. There are times when we have other staff members covering the front desk and they may not be familiar with you.
The tardy bell rings at 7:55. Please ensure that your student is arriving to school on time and not missing valuable instruction.
When your student is absent, please send in a note as soon as they return to school so that it can be marked excused.
Feel free to pay for lunch at schoolcashonline.
Thank you again for partnering with us for student success.
Greetings Cardinal Families,
This is Y. Williams, with the updates for the week of February 27th. Students in third, fourth and fifth grades will make up their NC Check-ins assessments if they were absent last week.
The Running Club will resume their training this Tuesday and Thursday from 2:37 to 4 pm. Students are expected to follow the school's policies and procedures during this time.
Third graders will be taking the CogAt assessment this week. The CogAt is used to determine if students qualify for the AIG program.
We will be having Kindergarten Registration on March 7th and 8th from 9:00- 2:00 for all rising Kindergarteners living in the Creekside district. Creekside does not have open enrollment.
Thank you for reminding students to follow the Cardinal Rules. Students are recognized for being prepared, being respectful, being responsible and being a learner. Thank you again for partnering with us for student success. Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
This is Y. Williams with the updates and announcements for the week of Feb. 20th.
Progress reports will be sent home on Tuesday, Feb. 21st. Please reach out to your child's teacher with questions or concerns.
Please be on the lookout for a flyer with information about our Read Around Creekside week which will take place next week, Monday Feb 27-Friday, March 3rd
Each day we will have a theme and some special events during the week to encourage and celebrate reading.
Students in grades 3-5 will be taking their NC- Check-ins this week for Math, Reading and Science. Please ensure that students arrive to school on time and remind them to do their very best using the DIME and white paper strategies. These assessments provide us with valuable information regarding which standards need to be strengthened.
February is National Children's Dental Health Month. Eastern Orthodontist and Pediatric Dentist hygienist are excited to be coming to see our K-2 students on Thursday, 2/23/23. They will be teaching our students general hygiene and the importance of brushing.
Students will have early dismissal on Thursday, Feb. 23rd. There will be no Running Club practice on this day.
Yearbooks are on sale at treering.com. You can visit our school Facebook page for the link or use the QR code that will be coming home with students. To ensure your child receives their yearbook before the last day of school, all purchases must be made by April 28th. 5th grade parents can design an ad for their student as well this year. Thank you for making the yearbook a success this year.
Thank you for continuing to partner with us for student success.
Greetings Cardinal Families,
This is Y. Williams with this week's updates and announcements. Congratulations to all of the students that were recognized and celebrated for exemplifying Determination for the month of January. Woohoo!!
Congratulations to all of the 1st place and 2nd place winners of the class level spelling bees. Winners will compete on Feb. 10th. Invitations will be sent home.
Running club application and fees are due by January 31st, as practice will begin next week to prepare for our 2 upcoming 5K races in the spring.
We will be having our Title 1 Parent meeting focused on math on Tuesday, January 31st, at 5pm in the Media Center and again at 630 pm on Zoom. Feel free to select the best session time that fits your schedule. We cannot wait to see you. The Zoom link will be shared on Class Dojo, Facebook and our website.
Report cards will be distributed on Tuesday, January 31st as well. We will have our 3-5 Awards Day on Friday, February 3rd beginning with 3rd grade at 830, 4th grade at 930 and 5th grade at 1030. Doors will open 15 minutes earlier, so that we can start on time.
Thank you for encouraging students do their best on their middle of the year assessments in reading and math. We are very proud of the student's growth.
Thank you for reminding students to be respectful, responsible, prepared and learners everyday.
Thank you for completing the parent climate survey shared on our school website. We value your feedback. If you have any questions on concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. Have a great evening.
Greetings Cardinal Families,
This is Y. Williams from Creekside. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Here are the updates and reminders for the week of January 23rd. There is no school on Monday, January 23rd for students due to a Teacher workday.
Thank you to everyone that has supported our Kids Heart Challenge. We are well on way towards meeting our $6000 goal. Congratulations to all of the students that have gotten caught being responsible, respectful, prepared and a learner. We will be having our 2nd PBIS celebration on Friday, Jan. 27th for all students that meet the criteria.
3-5 students will be participating in their class level spelling bees this week and the winners will participate in the school wide spelling bee on Feb. 10th. Report cards will be distributed on Tuesday, Jan. 31st and we will have our Title 1 meeting focused on building math skills.
The Running Club application and fee are due by January 31st. Feel free to pay on school cash online.
Because we value your feedback, we are encouraging all parents to complete our parent survey. The link will be available on our website and this email.
PCS Parent Survey - Spanish Version
Greetings Cardinal Families,
I hope you had a great weekend. This is Y. Williams with the updates and announcements for the week of January 9th. Students will be taking various assessments this week. All K5 students will be taking their iReady math diagnostic. K3 will be taking their middle of the year reading assessment in mClass. Grades 4-5 will take their iReady Reading diagnostic. These assessments allow us to monitor student growth from the beginning to the middle of the year. Please encourage your child to do their best. The assessments do not count against them, however provides valuable information that enables us to better meet their academic needs.
Our character trait for the month is determination. Students are encouraged be determined and never give up. This week K2 students will receive their PBIS treat based on the Cardinal Rules and their accumulated dojo points.
Please make sure bus riders are at their bus stop when the bus arrives. Drivers are not allowed to blow the horn or wait for students that are not ready. Thank you for your support.
Our American Heart Association Kids Heart Challenge event is kicking off tomorrow.
Information packets will be sent home. We need your help to accomplish our goal of having 100% of our families knowing Hands-Only CPR, spotting the signs of a stroke and more. You can help us by registering your child and spreading the word on social media, text or email.
Mark your calendars for some important upcoming events:
There will be no school on Monday, January 16th due to the Martin Luther King holiday.
The grading period ends on January 20th
There is no school for students on January 23rd due the teacher workday.
Report cards will be distributed on January 31st and we will have a parent meeting focused on ways to build math skills at 630 pm.
We will have our 2nd marking period awards assembly on Feb.3rd. (More information will be sent home)
Thank you for partnering with us for students success. Don't hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns. We look forward to finishing this year strong.
Have a great evening.
Greetings Cardinal Families,
This is Y. Williams with this week's updates and announcements. Happy New Year! We made it to 2023. I hope everyone had a relaxing and refreshing holiday break. The staff and I look forward to reuniting with all of our Cardinals on Wednesday, January 4th. The doors will open at 7:30 with breakfast served each day in the cafeteria, with the tardy bell ringing at 7:55. Please do not drop students off prior to 7:30, unless they are in the SGA, chorus or Art club. There is no supervision available before 7:30 and we want to ensure that all students are safe.
Be reminded that students who live in Augusta Trails will continue to ride bus 245 instead of 427. Other students that rode 427 will continue to ride 453. This is a temporary change and families will be notified when 427 is operating again.
Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Remember, we fly together, we try together, WE ARE CARDINALS! Have a great evening.
December 11, 2022
December 4, 2022
Greetings Cardinal Families,
This is Y. Williams with this week's updates and announcements.
to all of the students that were nominated and recognized for exemplifying responsibility for the month on November. Congratulations
to all of the 3-5 students that earned their 80% on Dojo and received a treat from the PBIS cart. We are encouraging students to continue to be respectful, responsible, prepared and learner daily.
Last week, 3-5 students completed NC Check-in assessments in ELA, Math and Science. We will have make assessments this week for ELA and Math for any student that was absent.
We would like to welcome Officer White to Creekside. She is serving as our new full time School Resource Officer.
Mark your calendars for the following upcoming events:
December 6th- Progress reports will be distributed.
December 12th through December 21st- We will have our holiday spirit days. Information will be sent home and posted on Facebook.
December 15th- We will have our holiday concert at 6:30 pm featuring the orchestra, chorus and 5th grade class.
December 21st- Early Release Day
Thank you for all of your support. Feel fee to reach out with any questions or concerns.
November 27, 2022
Greetings Cardinals,
This is Y. Williams from Creekside. I hope you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving break. Thank you to everyone that donated food items for the local food bank. Creekside donated 1,492 pounds of food, which equates to 1,170 meals for those in need. Creekside was mentioned in the newspaper for our contributions in supporting food insecurities.
Thank you to all of the students, staff and families that sacrificed time on Thanksgiving Day, to participate in the Turkey Trot 5K sponsored by Beau's Buddies, in support of pediatric cancer research. Cardinals represented well and finished their race. I would like to honor Mr. Bowen for his unwavering commitment and dedication to promoting health and wellness. He trained the Running Club members well. He also finished first place in his age bracket.
Again, thank you for partnering with us as we promote community service at Creekside.
This week, 3-5 students will be participating in their NC Check-in assessments. 5th graders will take Science on Tuesday, all students will take Reading on Wednesday and Math on Thursday. Please ensure that students arrive to school on time and encourage them to do their best, as these assessments will provide valuable information for teachers about standards that may need to strengthened.
Students that sold a specific amount of Candyman items will participate in the Main Event on Dec. 1st.
Mark your calendars for the following upcoming events:
December 6th- Progress reports will be distributed.
December 15th- We will have our holiday concert at 6:30 pm.
Thank you for all of your support. Feel fee to reach out with any questions or concerns.
November 20, 2022
Greetings Cardinal Families,
This is Y. Williams with this week's updates and announcements. Thank you to all of the families that came out to support our first awards day for the 22-23 school year. I am very proud of all of the students' achievements in their academics, encore classes and for exemplifying respect and kindness.
Thank you for supporting our Candyman sale. Materials are ready for pick up in the front office, if you have not done so.
There will be no school on Wednesday, November 23rd through Friday November 25th. The Running Club will practice on Tuesday, November 22nd to prepare for the Turkey Trot 5K race on Thanksgiving morning. All proceeds will support breast cancer and pediatric cancer.
The SGA will be distributing nonperishable food items to the local food bank on tomorrow. Thank you for all of your support.
This concludes our updates and announcements for the week of November 21st.
Have a great evening. I hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving.
November 16, 2022
Greetings Cardinal Families,
This is Y. Williams with the updates for the week of November 14th. Thank you to everyone that supported the Spirit Night at Marabellas, it was a huge success. The Candyman items will be distributed on Tuesday, November 15th, from 3-530 pm. Please park in the back parking lot and enter through the doors near the gym. We cannot send their items home on the bus. Items may also be picked up in the front office during the day from 7:00 am-3:00 pm from November 16th-18th.
3-5 students will be going to the ECU basketball game on Wednesday, November 16th. School fees must be paid.
On November 18th, we will be having awards day for 3-5 students. Students will be recognized earning the Principal's List, the Honor Roll, Encore awards and others.
On Friday, we will be having our spirit day and students are encouraged to dress to impress.
We are collecting canned foods for the local Food bank until Friday, Nov. 18th. Thank you for helping us support our community needs.
Report cards were distributed last Tuesday, please reach out to teachers to set up parent conferences via Zoom, phone or face to face.
Mark your calendars for the upcoming events:
School will be closed November 23rd-November 25th for Thanksgiving break.
The Running Club will be participating in the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning.
This concludes our updates and announcements. Have a great evening.
October 23, 2022
Greetings Cardinal Families,
This is Y. Williams. I hope you enjoyed this beautiful weekend. Thank you to the staff, students and families that supported our first 5K for this year. The students did a phenomenal job. They are all winners because they finished their race. I am so proud of their determination, will power, and persistence. Thank you for supporting breast cancer awareness and fundraising. See you at the next race. Keep moving!
Congratulations to all of the students that received a positive office referral. The Admin team is honored to call parents to inform them of how their child exemplifies the Cardinal Rules. They are getting caught being respectful, responsible, prepared and a learner.
Thank you for donating candy to support the PTA, as they provide treat bags to every student. Feel free to send candy to front office this week. The last day to donate is Thursday, October 27th. Volunteers are needed to help bag up the treats on Thursday from 5-7 at Creekside. Thanks in advance for any assistance.
Quick reminders- Please keep sick children home. The tardy bell rings at 755. Late students are missing out on valuable instructional time.
October 9, 2022
Greetings Cardinals,
This is Y. Williams with the updates for the week of 10/10. We will have an early dismissal and students will be dismissed at 1137 on Thursday, October 13th. There is no school on Friday, October 14th due to the Teacher Workday.
Thank you for supporting our book fair last week. It was a huge success. Congratulations
to Ms. Blount's class for winning the pretzel decorating party for having the most participation at our family night.
Thank you for supporting our Candyman fundraiser. All money is due by tomorrow. The online site will close on October 10th.
Students should not be dropped off in the morning unless they are attending SGA meetings or Chorus on Wednesdays or Art club on Thursdays. We do not provide supervision prior to 730 each day and all students must be supervised at all times.
Parents are allowed to park in the grass and must escort students up the sidewalks to the first set of pillars to maintain safety.
This month our character trait is Respect. Thank you for encouraging students to demonstrate respect in their actions and speech each day. Thank you for partnering with us for student success.
Greetings Cardinals,
This is Y. Williams with our weekly updates. The Running Club will begin this week for those who have submitted their completed applications and paid the fee. The $50 fee includes multiple shirts and registration for two events. Students will practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2:37-4. Students should be picked up promptly at 4 in the front of the building.We are looking forward to a fun time promoting health and wellness. Let's get running!!!!
Progress reports will be sent home on Tuesday. Please reach out to teachers with questions or concerns. It is not too late to get connected to Class Dojo, in order to stay up to date with class and school events.
We will have our first spirit day on Friday, Sept. 30th. Students are allowed to dress up like a rockstar if they would like.
The book fair will begin next Monday, October 3rd. We will host our family night on October 4th from 5-7. Families will be able to purchase books that evening and attend our Title 1 informational session at 6, focused on Self Esteem, Student Achievement and Internet Safety.
We are continuing to emphasize our Cardinal Rules each day. Thank you for partnering with us as we teach our students to Be Respectful, to Be Responsible, to Be Prepared and to Be a Learner every day. Students are encouraged to keep their hands to themselves and to say kind things to and about one another at school and on the bus. All toy weapons are prohibited at school and on the bus. Thank you for checking book bags to ensure that they are not brought to school.
Thank you for supporting our Candy man fundraiser. Incentives still include participating in the Main Event and/or Gaming Room, with top sellers being able to spin for cash.
The tardy bell rings at 7:55 each morning. It is important that students arrive on time in order to reduce losing instructional time. Breakfast is available and begins in the cafeteria at 7:30. Please complete the lunch applications, in order to qualify for free or reduced lunch if you have not done so.
Thank you to everyone who has paid their school fees. It is not too late. Fees may be paid online or given to the teacher. Classes with 100% participation will receive a treat.
Thank you again for partnering with us for student success. Feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Sept. 11, 2022
Greetings Cardinal Families,
This is Y. Williams from Creekside with a few announcements and reminders. This month our character trait is Kindness. We are focused on showing kindness in our speech and actions. Students will be taking various Beginning of the Year assessments and are encouraged to do their best. Assessments include iReady diagnostics, mClass reading in K3, the BOG and the CogAt. School fees are $10 and can be paid online. The homeroom with 100% participation will receive a treat. We will be having our Title 1 Curriculum night on Thursday, September 15th beginning at 6 pm. Come out to gain information about what your child will be learning this school year. Participants will receive a free book. Students will be taking Fall pictures on this Tuesday, September 13th. Let's get moving!! Running Club applications will be available starting on Monday for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders. We will be preparing for races in October and November. See Coach Bowen for an application.
The tardy bell rings at 7:55 each day. Tardy students must be signed in by parents.
Students are not allowed to be checked out after 215 as we are transitioning to get ready for our whole school dismissal.
Please have students ready to go when dropping off in the Kiss and Go car lines so that we can expedite the process.
Please be patient when dropping off students in the back. We want to ensure that our Pre K students and students with disabilities are safe.
If you have parent concerns or issues regarding bus transportation, please contact Administration or a teacher. Impeding the movement of a bus, by trespassing is a class 1 misdemeanor.
Sick students should remain home. Parents will be called to pick them up.
Thanks again for partnering with us to promote student success. Please contact us with any questions or concerns.
Aug. 28, 2022
Greetings Cardinals,
This is Y. Williams from Creekside. Thank you for attending our Open House for the 22-23 school year. It was great seeing all of the students and families. The first day of school is Monday, August 29th. Students will be allowed to enter the building beginning at 7:30, with the tardy bell ringing at 7:55. Numerous staff will be in halls to direct students to class. Breakfast will be provided in the cafeteria. Kindergarten students with the last name beginning with A through L will report on Monday and students lasts name beginning with M through Z will report on Tuesday. School will dismiss at 2:37.
Parents and guardians must be at the bus stop to retrieve students. If no one is home, the student will be brought back to school. We want to ensure that students are safe and picked up at their correct stop.
Thank you for picking car tags for dismissal. Car tags with student names and grade should be visible for dismissal. We are asking all family members to remain in their vehicles to promote safety. Mark your calendars for our upcoming Annual Title 1/PTA informational meeting and Curriculum Night on September 15th beginning at 6 pm. Light refreshments will be provided and participants will receive a free book. Thank you to everyone that joined the PTA. We are excited to be collaborating with you.
We look forward to partnering with you this year for students success. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. Remember, we fly together, we try together, We are Cardinals! Have a great evening.- Mrs. Y. Williams