- Farmville Central High School
- Bus Information
For questions or concerns about buses at FCHS, please contact Ms. Scott at 252-753-5138.
To access Pitt County Schools bus information, please see information below.
Pitt County Schools Parents:
At PCS Transportation, our goal is to get all our students safely to school and back home. This is a group effort involving parents, students, bus drivers, school staff, and transportation staff. Here are some resources for parents to help get started with the transportation process.
WebQuery is a web-based tool that does not have personal student information, but can help you answer the following questions using just your address:
“Which school would my child go to?”
“Is there a bus stop near my house?”
“What bus might my student be assigned to?”
After getting enrolled at the correct school, the first step in getting a student assigned to ride the bus is to make sure the school has the student’s PowerSchool Transportation page updated with the need for transportation. The transportation department does weekly downloads of information from Powerschool. The TIMS Routing Specialists formally assigns students to bus routes. Bus routes are updated Friday night so that they will be ready Monday morning. It may take two Mondays to get a formal bus assignment for requests made after Wednesday.
Starting this year, Pitt County Schools provides the Edulog Parent Portal smartphone app to help parents receive information about their child’s school bus ride. It allows you to:
(1) access designated bus stop times and locations for their child,
(2) see real-time information about the location of their child’s school bus, and
(3) receive notifications when the bus is getting close to the bus stop.
Here is a video to tell you more about the Edulog Parent Portal smartphone app:
The app can be accessed here:
Here are links to user directions:
Edulog Parent Portal Infographic
Edulog Parent Portal Infographic in Spanish
PCS Created Directions for Edulog Parent Portal Sign-up