Selection Process

  • How is membership to NHS determined?

    NHS Selection Procedure:

    Any junior or senior with an unweighted 3.0 and a weighted 3.6 GPA or higher is eligible to be considered for membership by the Rose National Honor Society. Students also may not have any grade in any class below a 75. 

    Students must obtain candidate forms from student services.

    Students must fill out the candidate form to the best of their ability based on their leadership and service activities. Signatures or other official verification such as certificates of completion will be acceptable.

    Students must give character reference forms to a teacher of their choice, and the teacher should return the character form to the advisor.

    The advisor will verify the student GPAs to be totaled with leadership and service points.

    The NHS Advisory Council will meet to look over student applications and determine and verify point totals and check character references.

    NHS Points must total at least 50 in order to guarantee membership.


    1 point per service, leadership, or character-building organization per year

    1 point for each year student holds officer or captain position in an organization

    1 point per 10 hours of community service

    GPA points x 10