Welcome to PBIS

  • What is PBIS? 

    Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is a way for schools to encourage good behavior. (See the posters below for student expectations in common areas and classrooms.) These are posted throughout the school.


  • Team Members:
    Co-chair(s): Kristin Jeffries and Elizabeth Lane
    Grade Reps: 
    K-1 - Marti Bryant 
    2-3 - T. Turner 
    4-5 - Morgan Boyd 
    6-8 - Elizabeth Lane
    Encore - Paige Stanley
    Counselor - Kristin Jeffries 
    Event dates and topics:
    Q1: Staff/student RELAY event - Oct 31
    Q2: Popcorn and Movie Swap - January 17
    Q3: Snow Cones and Outside (Parent volunteers needed) - March 28
    Q4: Glow party - Week of June 2nd
    Buzzing Beyond Awards are sponsored by PBIS. These are given to nominated students weekly. Students are nominated based on the SWARM characteristics.

PBIS Expectations

SWARM On the Playground
SWARM On the Bus
SWARM In the Bathroom
SWARM In the Hallway
SWARM In the Middle School Hallway