25-26 Kindergarten Registration

  • You can still register your child for school during the summer. We are here Monday-Thursday, 7:30-5:30, no appointment necessary. You may also register by email or fax. Email [email protected] or fax 252-746-4751.


Health Assessment

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  • May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'NC BACK TO SCHOOL Immunization Requirements K Kindergarten Entry Vaccine Requirements* DTaP 5 doses Polio 4 doses Hib (4.YEAR-OLDS ONLY) 3-4 doses MMR or measles, 2 mumps, rubella) 2 doses lepatitis B 3 doses Varicella 2 doses Pneumococcal conjugate (4-YEAR-OLDS ONLY) 4 doses At all ages and grades, the number of doses required may vary by a child's age and when they were vaccinated.'