Student Assignment
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State law requires a child to be five years old before August 31 to enter Kindergarten.
Student enrollment can be completed online through a central portal for all campuses. The portal will select the school assigned to the address and grade level of the student. Enrollment can be completed online using a desktop, laptop, or cell phone from your home.You may also go to the school of your assigned district and use the registration kiosk in the main office.Here are a few of the documents you will need to enroll your student:- Photo Identification of parent/legal guardian
- Student’s birth certificate (original preferred)
- In North Carolina, birth certificates are available from the Register of Deeds in the county where the child was born ( For children born in any other state, go to the National Center for Health Statistics website for information about obtaining a copy of a birth certificate from that particular state (
- NC Health Assessment Form
- Copy of up-to-date immunization records
Court order for guardianship (if student is living with someone other than the parent)
Two proofs of residence
- Notarized rental/purchase agreement
- Utility bills (electric, telephone, gas, etc.) - Dated within the last 30 days
- Automobile registration
- Car insurance and property insurance policies
- Income tax W-2 form and property tax bill
Application for Kindergarten Students in the 24-25 school year onlyEarly registration will ensure bus transportation on the first day of school.
Last Modified on Monday at 1:18 PM