Parent Resources
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Enrolling Your ChildWelcome to Pitt County Schools. The following information will guide you through enrolling your child as a new student in our school district. We look forward to working with you and your child throughout their education.Enrollment Overview:Student enrollment is completed online through a central portal for all schools. The portal will select the school assigned to the address and grade level of the student being enrolled. Once you create a login and complete the online registration, you will be contacted by your child’s new school to finalize your enrollment and/or coordinate the submission of all required documents (i.e. birth certificate, proof of residence, health form, current IEP and/or other relevant documents).You may also go to the school in your assigned attendance area and use the registration kiosk in the main office.Here are a few of the documents you will need to enroll your student:
- Photo Identification of parent/legal guardian
- Student’s birth certificate (original preferred)
- In North Carolina, birth certificates are available from the Register of Deeds in the county where the child was born ( For children born in any other state, go to the National Center for Health Statistics website for information about obtaining a copy of a birth certificate from that particular state (
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- In North Carolina, birth certificates are available from the Register of Deeds in the county where the child was born ( For children born in any other state, go to the National Center for Health Statistics website for information about obtaining a copy of a birth certificate from that particular state (
- Copy of up-to-date immunization records
- NC Health Assessment (Kindergarten)
Court order for guardianship (if student is living with someone other than the parent)
Two proofs of residence
- Notarized rental/purchase agreement
- Utility bills (electric, telephone, gas, etc.) - Dated within the last 30 days
- Automobile registration
- Car insurance and property insurance policies
- Income tax W-2 form and property tax bill
- Affidavit A (If transferring from another district)
When entering Pitt County Schools from another district, parents should also take the following information to the school:-
Name, telephone number, and address of previous school attended
- Most recent report card or transcript (if available)
- This will be helpful to the school in properly placing your student in the correct grade level and classes
- Withdrawal Form (High School Only)
- This form will be given to the parent/student by the previous school at the time of withdrawal.
Application for New Students in the 24-25 school year only
When a public agency, or parent suspects that a child may be a child with a disability, he/she shall provide in writing the reason for referral, addressing the specific presenting concerns and the child’s current strengths and needs. This referral shall be given to the principal of the school, the child’s teacher or other school professional. Each school has an EC Contact staff person who can assist with this referral.
For preschool children with disabilities, the referral may also be given to the person designated as the coordinator of services for preschool children with disabilities.
Upcoming Events and Webinars
ECAC Webinar Calendar and Links
Catalyst Open House (Creating Opportunities in STEM for students with disabilities)
Student Transition Assistance Resources
Handbook on Parents' Rights
- Parent Rights & Responsibilities in Special Education: NC Notice of Procedural Safeguards
- Parent Rights & Responsibilities in Special Education: NC Notice of Procedural Safeguards(Spanish)
NC Policies Governing Services for Children with Disabilities
PCS Annual Written Notification
General Special Education Resources
- Exceptional Children's Assistance Center (ECAC)
- Special Education Guide
- East Carolina University Stepp Program Information
Helpful Links For Parents of Children with Autism
- First 100 Days Kit: What to do after the Autism Diagnosis
- Autism Online Resources
- Recognizing Sensory Implications
- The Culture of Autism: Helpful Information in Understanding Autism
- Choosing Items to Bring When Your Child Has to Wait
- "Toolkits" From the Autism Society of North Carolina
- Parent Rights & Responsibilities in Special Education: NC Notice of Procedural Safeguards
EasterSeals UCP Family Peer Support Group
The IDD Family Peer Support Group is a new program looking at lived experience for those parents/caregivers of individuals with IDD and serious mental illness and serious emotional disturbance. The support group will meet virtually on the 1st Saturday of the month. Please join in from 10:00a-11:30a. Follow the links below to register and join.
PCS Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
MTSS is a multi-tiered framework which promotes school improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices. NC MTSS employs a systems approach using data-driven problem solving to maximize growth for all. North Carolina Department of Instruction's vision for MTSS is that every North Carolina pre-kindergarten-12th grade public education system implements and sustains all components of a Multi-Tiered System of Support to ensure college, career and community readiness for all students.
Parent and Caregiver Resources from the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
NC DPI Parent Listserv
Click link below for instructions on how to sign up for DPI's parent newlsetters.
Young Exceptional Perspectives (YEP)
ECAC quarterly publication produced for and by youth with disabilities
Accessible Books and Library Services