• ecec

  • Pitt County Schools Leverages Television During COVID-19 Health Crisis

    While Pitt County Schools is closed for remote instruction due to COVID-19 restrictions, students will still be able to see their teachers, PE coaches, media coordinators, and other staff in an unprecedented television production and community collaboration.

    A TV show called Eastern Carolina Education Connection, brought to you by Pitt County Schools, aired beginning April 13. The show is hosted by WNCT, with airtime sponsored by the RICCI law firm. Featuring creative lessons by Pitt County Schools educators, episodes are geared toward an elementary-aged audience with a focus on reading and literacy. Eastern Carolina Education Connection runs Monday-Friday from 12:00-12:30 on WNCT's sister station, the CW- channel 9.2

        Airs:  Monday-Friday  12:00-12:30pm  The CW-Channel 9.2

    Facts about the show:

    • The show features educators from Pitt County Schools, is produced in collaboration with Department of Educational Effectiveness and Leadership, Department of Educational Programs and Services and the Office of Public Information. Director and Videographer: Zachary Pomeroy of La Flecha Films.

    • Segments include book readings with full permissions by authors and publishers to air the content.

    • In addition to a literary text, an extension lesson connects the text to age-appropriate learning standards, and an at-home application activity encourages students to continue learning at home, beyond the episode.

    • A "Wiggle Break" embedded segment features physical activity encouraged by PCS PE Teachers students can easily participate in at home.

    • Another reagular feature is a "Counselor's Corner", focused on social-emotional lessons and acknowledging the reality of confusing emotions resulting from isolation during the COVID-19 Health Crisis.

    • Other features include simple art lessons or music lessons by PCS teachers.

    • Fridays are reserved for "Friday Field Trips" where host, Ashley Smith and Friday Co-Host, Jeff Bell, explore unique places right in our own back yards. These episodes include submitted content of educators exploring neighboring gardens, farm animals, bee hives, zoos, fire stations and much more.

    • ALL episodes feature PCS Exceptional Children's staff, including staff from our Deaf and Hard of Hearing Department, who will provide the lessons in sign language, right on the screen. Episodes are also close-captioned by WNCT.

    • Students will be able to see extension features and submit their own content on Eastern Carolina Education Connection's unique Facebook Page.

    • Pitt County Schools, WNCT, and RICCI Law Firm are committed to episodes through the end of the 2020 instructional school year.


  • Thank You To Our Sponsors


    The CW

