NC MTSS Definition:
NC MTSS is a multi-tiered framework which promotes school improvement through engaging, research-based academic and behavioral practices. NC MTSS emplys a systems approach using data-driven problem-solving to maximize growth for all.
Every NC Pre K - 12 public education system implements and sustains all components of a multi-tiered system of support to ensure college, career and community readiness for all students.
NC DPI will prepare and support LEAs to implement a multi-tiered system of support for total school improvement by providing professional development, coaching and technical assistance, research and evaluation, and communication and visibility that results in college, career and community readiness for all students. NC DPI believes that MTSS is the most effective and efficient approach to improving school outcomes and student performance thereby ensuring equitable access to a sound basic education.
NC MTSS Live Binder:
The purpose of this LiveBinder is to explicitly outline processes, practices, and resources necessary to establish a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS). Please click the link for access: NC MTSS LiveBinder
Additional Parent Resources: