•  Safety at IECHS


    Campus Safety

    IECHS is located on the ECU campus; therefore, problems or concerns that would be addressed by the School Resource Officer (SRO) will be under the authority of the ECU Campus police.  Currently, there is a full-time SRO at IECHS every school day. The campus police are located on 10th Street and/or can be reached at 252.328.6787 for non-emergency calls.

    Secure Corridor

    Innovation now has securely locked doors to the Brewster D Wing. All staff and students must have their ECU One Card to access the doors. All visitors must use the new buzz-in system to gain access to Innovation Early College. We are happy that we now have this extra layer of security!


    All students are provided an IECHS lanyard that identifies them as an Early College students.   If they do not have their lanyard, they may contact their parents/guardians to bring it to school. The first lanyard is free. If students lose their lanyards, a replacement must be purchased for $5.00.

    IECHS and ECU recommend that all students will have their lanyards on at all times. This is to assist in providing safety to our students. ECU staff/police are aware of our students wearing lanyards and know this is a way to differentiate early college students from college students.


    Students who wish to be on the ECU campus prior to and after the school day MUST have a signed waiver on file in the school office. Waivers can be requested from the school secretary. No student will be allowed to stay after school or walk alone on campus for any reason without a signed waiver. Locations that students are allowed to visit with a signed waiver are: Academic Classrooms and Lab Spaces, Croatan, Joyner Library, Student Center, and Wright Place. Students are not allowed to be at the Student Rec Center without an IECHS staff member.