Welcome to Arts Education in Pitt County Schools!
Arts Education Vision Statement
Pitt County Schools will lead the collaboration between school, home, and community in order to foster students to grow lifelong appreciation, understanding, creative expression, and active participation in the arts as they develop into productive, global citizens.
Arts Education Mission Statement
Pitt County Schools will inspire and motivate students to engage in the arts, be empowered to create, and elevate their appreciation of all artistic endeavors while they work towards graduation as independent, lifelong learners.
How do the Arts fit within Pitt County Schools' Portrait of a Learner?
For additional information, please contact:
Russell Knight, Coordinator of Arts Education
(252) 830–4267 / knight@pitt.k12.nc.us
@PCSArtsEd (Twitter)
Pitt County Schools Arts Education (Facebook)
Last Modified on August 29, 2023