• Community Media Advisor Committee (CMAC)


    Parents of PCS students have the right to review and object to instructional materials being used at their child's school.  In the event a parent has an objection to an instructional material, including either classroom or library materials, they must follow this process:

    • Read or view the material in its entirety, complete this paperwork, and submit it to the school.

      1. School MTAC will meet, review, and make a decision.

      2. Should the parent choose, they can appeal the school’s decision to the CMAC.

    • Appeal to CMAC

      1. CMAC will meet, review, and make a decision.

      2. Should the parent choose, they can appeal the CMAC’s decision to the BOE.

    • Appeal to Board of Education

      1. BOE will meet, review, and make a final decision. 


    CMAC is a community committee that is convened when a parent appeals a school-level decision about an instructional material.  The committee’s purpose is to review the school's decision and uphold or overturn the decision.


    The Community Media Advisory Committee will be drawn from the following pool of individuals:

    • Directors of instruction for grades K-5, 6-8, and 9-12;

    • The district media director;

    • The district media specialist;

    • A media coordinator, principal, teacher, and parent from an elementary school;

    • A media coordinator, principal, teacher, and parent from a K-8 school;

    • A media coordinator, principal, teacher, and parent from a middle school; and

    • A media coordinator, a principal, teacher, parent, and student from a high school or
      early college.


    PCS Policies related to CMAC

    • Policy 3200 - Selection of Instructional Materials
    • Policy 3210 - Parental Inspection of and Objection to Instructional Material
    • Policy 3210X - Parental Objection to Instructional Materials

    CMAC Public Notice of Meetings

Last Modified on April 19, 2023