• Pitt County Schools Intermittent Learning Plan for March 16-March 27 only

    To prepare for this unexpected school closure, our staff has worked to create extended learning packets for students to complete from March 16-27. Online versions are available by clicking the links below. Distribution of paper learning packets will be available at school feeding sites for those who may not have online access at home.  You can pick up paper packets at any school most convenient to you except Ridgewood, Hope, Innovation Early College, and Pitt County Early College.

    Families are highly encouraged to ensure students have scheduled time each school day to complete learning assignments. In addition to completing their assignments, students are encouraged to read any book, article, newspaper, etc. of their choice for at least 20 minutes each day. Again, all students are encouraged to continue learning each day to support educational progress even without face-to-face instruction.

    Please use the links below to view learning packets for your students' grade level and content area.  If you do not see the green document below, try refreshing your page a few times or scroll down to the bottom of the page and use the link to download the document.

    COVID-19 Learning Packets

    COVID-19 Printer-Friendly Versions


    Note: A new Instructional Plan, including online and modified learning options are available for instruction from March 30-May 15, 2020. Click here for more information.