• High School AIG Programming

    When it comes to gifted students in high school, it is certainly a much different landscape than the previous direct services provided by the AIG Teacher.

    This does not mean a student is no longer gifted when they leave the direct service they have received through elementary and middle school. In the high school setting, there are no "AIG teachers". However, PCS does employ an Acceleration Advisor that supports high school AIG Students. As far as courses offered, high schools offer both honors, Advanced Placement, and College-Career Promise (CCP) course options that can challenge AIG students. We encourage gifted students to challenge themselves by taking these advanced courses. Taking these higher-level courses may also open doors for maximizing the number of university programs that will find a college application more appealing.

    Grades matter in high school. What courses a student takes matters in high school. Putting these two things together can either open or close a door to a preferred university, so choose wisely.  

    The Acceleration Advisor will:

    • monitor AIG students and what courses they are taking to ensure students are challenging themselves.
    • schedule at least one meeting a year with HS AIG students to conference with them face to face to determine what additional support may be needed.
    • hold informational meetings for both students and parents as well as individual conferences with students that ensure the student’s needs are being met, both academic and social/emotional.

    See below for a general guide for choosing courses that open the most university doors.   

    High School Course Selection Guidelines

    Acceleration Options:

    Credit by Demonstrated Mastery is a way for a student to gain course credit without taking the standard level course.  Through a 2 Phase process, students have the opportunity to demonstrate their mastery of a course.  Phase 1: Students must score a 90% or higher on the course exam.  Phase 2: Students must create an artifact and present it to the school based CDM Committee.  Upon successful completion of this process, students will earn a pass "P" on the HS transcript.  The student gains credits but not quality points toward their GPA.

    Pitt County Virtual Academy also provides an online learning pathway to assist students with accessing the courses they need to further their education. PCVA provides a way for students to take additional courses in their schedule or access courses that may not be offered on the school campus.

    Contact Information:

    Sarah Woodward
    Acceleration Advisor
    [email protected] 

    Helpful Links:

Last Modified on December 10, 2021