• Special Dietary Needs

    School Nutrition Services strives to meet the daily nutritional needs of all students through the National School Breakfast, Lunch and After-School Snack programs. If your child has a special dietary need (such as a severe food allergy, religious preference or food intolerance), please review the important information below to ensure your child’s needs are being met.
    PCS Medical Statement for Unique Mealtime Needs Form 2024-2025


    Food Allergies (Peanut, Tree Nut, Milk, Eggs, Soy, Wheat, Fish, Shellfish, Sesame)

    If your child has a medically documented disability according to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)* that requires dietary modifications, a Medical Statement must be completed and submitted to School Nutrition Services.

    The Medical Statement includes Part A and Part B and must be completed by 2 different parties.

    Part A should be completed by the parent/guardian.  Part A (page 1) of the Medical Statement includes all information needed from the parent/guardian and should be completed in its entirety.

    Part B should only be completed by the Licensed Physician or Physicians Assistant, or Nurse Practitioner.  Part B (page 2) of the Medical Statement is required as documentation of the medical need and should be completed in its entirety and signed by the Licensed Physician or Physicians Assistant or Nurse Practitioner.

     *Definition of Disability:

    Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), a “person with a disability” means “any person who has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activity, has a record of such impairment or is regarded as having such an impairment.”

    Major life activities covered by this definition include: caring for yourself, eating, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working.  Major life activities also include “Major Bodily Functions” such as: functions of the immune system, normal cell growth, digestive, bowel, bladder, neurological, brain, respirator, circulator, cardiovascular, endocrine and reproductive functions.  The term “physical or mental impairment” includes, but is not limited to, such diseases and conditions as:

     ·         Orthopedic, visual, speech and hearing impairments

    ·          Cerebral Palsy

    ·          Epilepsy

    ·          Muscular Dystrophy

    ·          Multiple Sclerosis

    ·          Cancer

    ·          Heart Disease

    ·          Metabolic diseases, such as diabetes or phenylketonuria (PKU)

    ·          Food anaphylaxis (severe food allergy)

    ·          Intellectual Disability

    ·          Emotional illness

    ·          Drug addiction and alcoholism

    Please note:

    ·         If a Medical Statement from a licensed physician or medical authority is not received by School Nutrition Services, the child’s diet order cannot be processed and he/she may receive a regular meal.

    ·         Part B of the Medical Statement must be completed by the licensed physician or medical authority.  Part B of the Medical Statement completed by parents/guardians will not be accepted.

    ·         The current Medical Statement on file will be honored until a new Medical Statement is updated by the licensed physician and received by School Nutrition Services. 

    ·         School staff must follow the dietary orders in the current Medical Statement on file and cannot make dietary changes without an updated form from the licensed physician.

     Dietary Preferences

    If your child is a vegetarian or has other food preferences such as a pork-free diet, School Nutrition Services can meet these needs with a variety of choices at breakfast and lunch.  Students may select items that meet their needs through the offer versus serve option*. School Nutrition Services may provide substitutions for your child based on availability.  

    PCS No Pork Diet Parent Letter

    PCS Vegetarian Diet Parent Letter

    Food Intolerances:

    If your child has an intolerance to a specific food, School Nutrition Services can often meet their needs through a variety of choices at breakfast and lunch.  Students may select foods to meet their needs through the offer versus serve options*.  Other dietary modifications may be provided by School Nutrition Services on a case by case basis.

    Offer Versus Serve:

    With the offer versus serve option, students may select the foods that fit their dietary needs. At least two grains, one fruit and milk are offered daily at breakfast. At least two entrees, two vegetables, one fruit and milk are offered daily at lunch. 

    Big 9 Allergens 2023-2024

    You can refer to the Big 9 Allergen List for additional information on food allergens for menu items. Please note that, due to menu changes and item availability, this may not include all items. Please speak to the School Nutrition Manager at your child's school or contact our Central Office team if you have questions.

    PCS Big 9 Allergen List 2024-2025

    Carbohydrate Counts:

    You can refer to the Master Carbohydrate Count list for grams of carbohydrates for the food items we serve. Please note that, due to menu changes and item availability, this may not include all items. Please speak to the School Nutrition Manager at your child's school or contact our Central Office team if you have questions.  

    PCS Master Carb Count List 2024-2025

     Our goal at School Nutrition Services is to provide students and parents with information that will assist them with self-management of their individual dietary needs in real-world environments.


    Food Allergy Disclaimer:  Please be aware that School Nutrition Services prepares our food in commercial kitchens, where cross-contact with food allergens is possible and where ingredient substitutions and recipe revisions are sometimes made.  Additionally, manufacturers of commercial food products we order may change their product formulation or ingredient consistency at any time without notification.  Actual ingredients and nutritional content may vary, and we are not able to guarantee that any food item will be completely free of food allergens.  If you have questions or any concerns regarding ingredients of a specific food or recipe, please reach out to the Pitt County Schools, School Nutrition Assistant Director, Katie Exum at 252-830-4226 or email [email protected].


    This institution is an equal-opportunity provider.

Last Modified on October 21, 2024