• PCS Energy Conservation Program
    Pitt County Schools is committed to saving energy and money by reducing our consumption of electricity, natural gas, and water. The Board of Education has approved an Energy Conservation Policy
    The following simple, yet effective steps are examples of energy-saving guidelines our staff is being asked to follow:
    • Set thermostats at 70 degrees or lower when in heating mode
    • Set thermostats at 74 degrees or higher when in cooling mode
    • Turn off lights when leaving an area
    • Turn off computer monitor(s) when leaving an area
    • At the end of the day, turn off computer(s), printer(s), speaker(s), monitor(s) and other applicable equipment
    • As lighting conditions allow, use natural light when possible
    • Use one or two lamp switching as opposed to all lights being on when possible
    • Do not turn anything on unless using it 
    • Assist with powering down/unplugging as much equipment as possible for extended breaks(winter, spring and summer breaks)
    Pitt County Schools has teamed up with Cenergistic to develop a behavior-based energy management program to help ensure responsible and efficient use of district resources and to reduce Pitt County School's environmental impact.
    Cenergistic is a technology-powered, data-driven energy conservation company. Cenergistic helps organizations reduce consumption of electricity, natural gas, fuel, oil and water. Their proven approach is built on a proprietary methodology, which optimizes client's infrastructure, improves internal processes and changes behavior to ensure that savings endure.
    Cenergistic has earned the ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year - Sustained Excellence Award from the United States Environmental Protection Agency for 11 consecutive years beginning in 2011, and was named ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year for 2009 and 2010. In 35 years, the company has worked with more than 1,500 educational, large church and health care organizations helping clients save over $6.2 billion in utility costs.
    Pitt County Schools' energy management program is more than just a short term “go green” project. It is a comprehensive, sustainable plan designed to address behavioral, mechanical and logistical use of our facilities in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint and be good stewards of taxpayer funds.
    Energy Specialist and Program Contact for Pitt County Schools:

    Grant Anderson – (518) 339-7947 [email protected]

Last Modified on December 15, 2021