• Volunteer Hours Information



  • Our Volunteer Hours Requirement Information (During "Normal" Times)

    In order to prepare our students to be the best young adults possible, the HSA requires all students to complete 25 hours of volunteer work per year while in high school. This requirement is crucial to help our students become individuals with a strong commitment to service and helping our community. Below are some of the guidelines for these hours:

    All HSA students must complete 25 hours of volunteer work at an approved agency/location during each academic year for a total of 100 hours by April 1st of the student’s senior year.  Note: Any non-profit, charity, or faith-based organization/church is approved through our HSA guidelines. If you question whether or not an agency meets our guidelines, we recommend that you communicate with the HSA office PRIOR to doing hours! 

    Of the 100 hours total that a student completes, at least 25 of these need to be performed in a clinical setting (i.e. doctor’s office, dental office, vet office, nursing facility). Please do not worry if you cannot get these 25 medical hours during your freshman year. As long as you have medical hours by the April 1st deadline of your senior year, you will meet the requirement.

    Only students who are a part of the VolunTEEN program may submit volunteer hours completed at ECU Health.

    All hours are due to the HSA office NO LATER than 5:00 pm on April 1st of each school year. If April 1st falls on a weekend, hours will be due the following Monday by 5:00 pm. If April 1st falls during Spring Break, the deadline remains unchanged.

    Choose the Volunteer Hour Guidelines link below for more detailed information regarding our "Normal" guidelines and requirements:

                                                              guideline                                     opps                      

    NOTE: Please wear your HSA volunteer t-shirt when you volunteer for any of these events, and be sure to take your log sheet with you for your volunteer supervisor to sign off on your hours. Students receive volunteer shirts upon acceptance into the Academy. Additional shirts (sizes small - xxl) are available for purchase from the HSA office for $7 each.

    Need a new Volunteer Log Sheet?  Click this link: Volunteer Log Sheet



    Not sure how many hours you've submitted so far? Click below on the purple link to find out! Volunteer Hours are posted by each HSA student's Student ID number.  (HINT:  It's the number you use to log into PowerSchool).  Our goal is to update logged volunteer hours at the end of each month during the school year.  We will send out a broadcast email to all HSA student families each month when the update has been posted.


    Volunteer Hours Posted

    Click this LINK to send us information regarding your event, and we'll be happy to advertise to our HSA students 2-3 weeks in advance of your event needs.

    Last Modified Today at 10:24 AM
Last Modified on January 30, 2025