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Pitt County Schools provides a continuum of services for students who have characteristics of autism. These services are provided in the student's least restrict environment. Services may include, but are not limited to, small group instruction in language, organization and social skills. The social skills instruction targets communication development, pragmatic language skills, friendships, emotions, coping strategies, autism awareness, conflict resolution, and developing life skills.

April Denney
Pre K Program Specialist
Natalie Roberson
K-5 Program Specialist
Sarah Pierce
6-8, 9-12 Program Specialist
Hayley Goff
Autism Program Specialist
NC DPI New Autism Website
The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction has a wonderful new google site just for Autism resources!
Power of Purpose Symposium
Check out some of our fabulous PCS students answering questions about autism, robotics and other things!
They were AU-some!
Successful Autism Resource Fair!
Thank you to all of our vendors and those who came out to support Pitt County Schools Autism Resource Fair during the Eastern NC Autism Run on April 27, 2019. We appreciate each and everyone of you and hope that we provided valuable information to our families!