• NC Alternate Assessment Decision Making Flow Chart

    NC DPI Guidelines

    To determine participation in the NCEXTEND1 alternate assessment, the following eligibility requirements must be met: – The student must have a current IEP. – The student is enrolled in grades 3–8, 10, or 11 according to PowerSchool. – The student is instructed using the North Carolina Extended Content Standards in all assessed content areas (i.e., ELA/Reading, Mathematics, and Science). – The student has a significant cognitive disability. 

    NCEXTEND1 is NOT appropriate for students who: are being instructed in any of the assessed general grade-/- course-level content standards of the North Carolina Standard Course of Study (i.e., ELA/reading, mathematics, and science). • demonstrate delays only in academic achievement • demonstrate delays only in selected areas of academic achievement; • demonstrate delays attributed primarily to behavioral issues; or • if in high school, are pursuing a North Carolina high school diploma (including students enrolled in the Occupational Course of Study pathway).

    Things to note: A student who is being taught on the North Carolina Extended Content Standards in all subject areas (ELA/Reading, Mathematics, and Science)– must take the NCEXTEND1 assessment in all areas. – A student must not take the NCEXTEND1 in Mathematics and the regular End-of-Grade assessment in ELA/Reading. – Students either participate in regular assessments or alternate assessments based on their classroom instruction and learning pathways, but must not have a combination of regular and alternate assessments.

    For best practice, the decision regarding the student’s participation in an alternate assessment should be made and documented in the student’s IEP at least 120 school days before the testing window. – This is to ensure that the student has adequate exposure to the content standards that they will be assessed on. 



    Graduation Certificates & Participation for Students with Disabilities:
