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As the Pitt County Schools Behavior Support Staff, we are here to provide behavioral support, evidence-based interventions and strategies for our Pitt County teachers, staff and students. We provide professional development opportunities through formal training sessions, formal and informal modeling of evidence-based interventions, and crisis intervention to assist school staff in stabilizing students experiencing crisis behaviors. We are available to assist staff in developing clear, data-based Behavior Intervention Plans and providing a variety of resources on behavior management, classroom management and student-specific strategies to address classroom/school behavioral concerns.
Resources for Parents
FOR PARENTS - SafeschoolshealthykidsNC
Triple P Positive Parenting Resources
more coming soon....!
Multi-Systemic Therapy
Multi-systemic Therapy (MST) is an evidence-based program that empowers youth (aged 12 – 17) and their families to function responsibly over the long term. MST reduces delinquent and antisocial behavior by addressing the core causes of such conduct. The "client" is a network of systems including family, peers, school, and neighborhood. Therapists have small caseloads and provide services in the home at times convenient to the family. The average length of treatment is between 3 and 5 months. Therapists and provider agencies are held accountable for achieving change and positive outcomes.MST is available in all 26 counties served by Trillium. Click here to see MTS Brochure. Click here to see Fact Sheets about MTS.
Crisis Prevention Institute shares proven verbal de-escalation tips during time of increased tension across U.S. and world
Included is an excerpt from a press release CPI released on April 1, 2020.
De-escalation in everyday lives is crucial now as individuals face highly elevated emotions in a variety of situations, according to CPI. These can include interactions in healthcare settings, grocery stores, takeout lines, and even in isolation at home as kids and parents navigate challenges of work and school.
CPI is sharing tips to help individuals control their own behavior during heightened stress and anxiety. The five tips everyone can use include:
- Understand that Behavior is Communication: Most communication occurs beyond the words we use. Look for signs of anxiety in body language, tone, and cadence. Understand that crisis behavior reflects a need and consider what it is the other person might want.
- Avoid the Power Struggle: No one can meet every need at every moment. Challenging or exercising authority over a person can escalate negative behaviors. Considering options you can offer allows flexibility to address both parties’ needs and desired outcomes.
- Use Limit Setting: Behavior can’t be forced but setting limits can help us influence behaviors. Framing acceptable behaviors or outcomes can encourage the other person to choose the most productive option.
- Practice Rational Detachment: Don’t take behaviors personally. Stay calm. Find a positive way to release the negative energy you absorbed during the conflict. Keep in mind, you can only control your own attitude and actions.
- Therapeutic Rapport: Learn from the conflict and help the other person learn from the experience. Focus on identifying and preventing the pattern of behavior in the future. Finally, put time and effort into repairing the relationship.
CPI has found that stress, fear, and anxiety can impact mental health both short- and long-term. When pressed, these scenarios can cause people’s reactions to escalate and lead to verbal and even physical conflict. This is why CPI instills in its methods the philosophy of Care, Welfare, Safety, and SecuritySM for everyone.
“The realities of stress, fear, and anxiety are ever-present during this pandemic and it can get worse with more social restrictions, economic impacts, and uncertainty,” said Tony Jace, CEO of Crisis Prevention Institute. “Learning of heated public exchanges and increasing home isolation, we realized our tools for professionals can be just as critical and helpful to the public in resolving situations influenced by the coronavirus. We felt a strong responsibility to do something positive and believe our expertise can be very helpful during these challenging times.”

Safe Schools Healthy Kids (click here):
Tip sheets and short courses for school personnel, parents, and students. Also included is a section on COVID-19 for schools.
- Ayden Grifton High School
- Ayden Middle School
- CM Eppes Middle School
- DH Conley HS
- EB Aycock Middle School
- Farmville Central HS
- Farmville Middle School
- JH Rose HS
- Middle Schools - CM Eppes, EB Aycock, Chicod, Hope MS
- Middle Schools - Farmville Middle, Wellcome Middle; K-8 Schools - Stokes, Bethel
- North Pitt High School
- Sadie Saulter
- South Central High School
- SSEC Pitt Academy
Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School" |
- Zulekia Atkinson
- Timothy Baker
- Dawn Barefoot
- Will Bland
- Marlee Carbajal
- Zenaia Champion Ward
- Tarra Farrow
- Bianca Freeman
- Keisha Johnson
- Katrina Phillips
- Quierra Ross
- Sean Smallwood
- Felicia Taft
- Keshanda Taylor
- Kevin Voytecki
- Amanda Wade